*This article contains some promotional material.
Summary of solutions when Parallels Desktop does not share folders
In this article.Parallels Desktopdoes not share folders with your Mac OS.
Parallelsschool (e.g. of ikebana)Completely free trial versionis available for a risk-free trial. Parallels also offers discount campaigns from time to time.For the latest discount information on Parallels, please visit the official website atPlease check it out from the following page.
↓arrow (mark or symbol) Click here for the official Parallels website
*Free trial is also available here.
What to do if Parallels Desktop is not shared
There are several ways to deal with Parallels Desktop's inability to share folders, and we will explain them step by step.
To reinstall Parallels Desktop
Step 1: Start the virtual machine
Click the Parallels Desktop icon on the Mac menu bar and select "Control Center.
Start the virtual machine.
Step 2: Click [Virtual Machine
Click on "Virtual Machine" from the Mac menu bar.
Step 3: Click [Reinstall Parallels Desktop Tools
[Click "Reinstall Parallels Desktop Tools.
Step 4: Restart the virtual machine
Restart the virtual machine.
When using the command prompt
Step 1: Type [CMD] and press Return/Enter
Click the Windows "Start" button, type "CMD" and press Return/Enter to display the command prompt.
Step 2: Enter the command prompt
Type the following line at the command prompt and press Return/Enter.
sc query prl_fs
Type the following line at the command prompt and press Return/Enter as well.
sc query prl_tg
Make sure STATE is set to RUNNING.
Step 3: Restart the virtual machine
Restart the virtual machine.
Contact Parallels Desktop Support
If the problem is not resolved by the methods described so far, it is best to contact Parallels Desktop directly.
If you have a problem with the Parallels DesktopCustomer SupportFor more information on Parallels Desktop support and how to contact us, please see the following articles
↓arrow (mark or symbol) Click here for the official Parallels website
*Free trial is also available here.
In this article.Parallels Desktopdoes not share folders with your Mac OS.
Parallelsschool (e.g. of ikebana)Completely free trial versionis available for a risk-free trial. Parallels also offers discount campaigns from time to time.For the latest discount information on Parallels, please visit the official website atPlease check it out from the following page.
↓arrow (mark or symbol) Click here for the official Parallels website
*Free trial is also available here.