How to install Mojave on Parallels Desktop

*This article contains some promotional material.

In this article.Parallels DesktopThis section explains how to install Mojave on

Parallelsschool (e.g. of ikebana)Completely free trial versionis available for a risk-free trial.

Parallels also offers discount campaigns from time to time.For the latest discount information on Parallels, please visit the official website atPlease check it out from the following page.

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Click here for the official Parallels website
*Free trial is also available here.


How to install Mojave on Parallels Desktop

Download [macOS Mojave 10.14.6] provided by Apple Inc.

Apple Siteand download [macOS Mojave 10.14.6].

Step 1: Launch the Parallels Desktop application

Click the Parallels icon on the Mac menu bar and select "Control Center.

Step 2: Click "New

Click [File] -> [New] in the top menu.

[Select "Install Windows/other OS from DVD/image file" and click the "Continue" button.

[Select "Install Windows/other OS from DVD/image file" and click the "Continue" button.

Select [Install macOS Mojave] and click [Continue].

[Select "Install Windows/other OS from DVD/image file" and click[After clicking "Continue," the pre-downloaded "Install macOS Mojave" will appear under the message "Installation image found.

The "Install macOS Mojave" that you downloaded beforehand will appear. Select it and click "Continue.

Click [Continue].

Select [Install macOS Mojave ] and click [Continue], and you will see an alert for [Create Disk Image File] as shown below. Click "Continue" again.

Specify the name and location of the vm image

[Check "Customize configuration before installation" and click[Click Create.

This will start vm and begin macOS installation.

When the language selection screen appears, select [Japanese].

Select [macOS installation

[Select "macOS Installation" and click "Continue.

Click [Continue

[Select "Install" to start macOS Mojave installation.

[Select "Install" to begin installation of macOS Mojave.

It is installed on a disk.

Select [Japanese] and click [Continue].

When the installer completes, the configuration screen will appear.

Select [Japanese] and click [Continue].

You can also set up an Apple ID.

Once all settings are complete, the system can be used normally.

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Click here for the official Parallels website
*Free trial is also available here.


This article explains how to install Mojave on the Parallels Desktop.

Parallelsschool (e.g. of ikebana)Completely free trial versionis available for a risk-free trial.

Parallels also offers discount campaigns from time to time.For the latest discount information on Parallels, please visit the official website atPlease check it out from the following page.

↓arrow (mark or symbol)

Click here for the official Parallels website
*Free trial is also available here.

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