*This article contains some promotional material.
How to install Windows 10 on M1 Mac with Parallels
In this article, Windows 10 on a Mac with Apple M1 (ARM) chip.ParallelsThis section explains how to install the software with
Parallelsschool (e.g. of ikebana)Completely free trial versionis available for a risk-free trial. Parallels also offers discount campaigns from time to time.For the latest discount information on Parallels, please visit the official website atPlease check it out from the following page.
↓arrow (mark or symbol) Click here for the official Parallels website
*Free trial is also available here.
How to install Windows 10 on a Mac with Apple M1 (ARM) chip with Parallels
Download Windows 10 for ARM
Currently, only Windows 11 on ARM Insider Preview or Windows 10 on ARM Insider Preview will work on M1 Mac.
On this site.Access and download the ARM version of Windows 10.
Install PaParallels
First.Parallels official websiteand install the trial version.
Install PaParallels
First.Parallels official websiteand install the trial version.
[Select "Download Free Trial
Click [Download].
Double-click [Install Parallels Desktop.dmg] from the download
Double-click [Install Parallels Desktop.dmg] from the download.
[Click "Install" when the "Installer" window appears.
[Click "Install" when the "Installer" window appears.
I agree to the license agreement
[Click "Agree.
You'll get a popup.[Open Security Preferences]Click on
You'll get a popup.[Open Security Preferences]Click on
[Select Permissions from Security and Privacy.
[Select Permissions from Security and Privacy.
Install Window 11
When the installation of [Parallels Desktop 17.1 for Mac] is finished, the Installation Assistant for Macs with Apple M1 chips will appear.
[Click "Continue" when the "About Mac with M1 Chip" explanation is displayed.
Next, under "Create New," click on [.Install Windows/other OS from DVD/image file orand click "Continue.
Next, under "Create New," click on [.Install Windows/other OS from DVD/image file orand click "Continue.
Here is the file I downloaded earlier [.Windows10_InsiderPreview_Client_ARM64_en-us_21354.VHDXWhen the [Continue] is displayed, select it and click [Continue].
Here is the file I downloaded earlier [.Windows10_InsiderPreview_Client_ARM64_en-us_21354.VHDXWhen the [Continue] is displayed, select it and click [Continue].
When the screen to select the primary use appears, choose any one.
[Business Tools].
[Business Tools].
All that remains is to follow the instructions and proceed with the installation.
Once the Windows files for use with Parallels on the Mac are ready, begin the Windows 10 installation.
After a short wait, "Installation Complete" will appear, and click on the screen to start Windows 10.
↓arrow (mark or symbol) Click here for the official Parallels website
*Free trial is also available here.
This article explains how to install Windows 10 on a Mac with Apple M1 (ARM) chip with Parallels.
Parallelsschool (e.g. of ikebana)Completely free trial versionis available for a risk-free trial. Parallels also offers discount campaigns from time to time.For the latest discount information on Parallels, please visit the official website atPlease check it out from the following page.
↓arrow (mark or symbol) Click here for the official Parallels website
*Free trial is also available here.