*This article contains some promotional material.
Summary of how to uninstall Parallels Desktop
In this article.Parallels DesktopThis section explains how to uninstall the
Parallelsschool (e.g. of ikebana)Completely free trial versionis available for a risk-free trial. Parallels also offers discount campaigns from time to time.For the latest discount information on Parallels, please visit the official website atPlease check it out from the following page.
↓arrow (mark or symbol) Click here for the official Parallels website
*Free trial is also available here.
How to uninstall Parallels Desktop
How to uninstall manually
Step 1: Select [Exit Parallels Desktop
Click the Parallels icon on the toolbar and select "Exit Parallels Desktop.
Step 2: Select "Applications" and look for "Parallels Desktop
Open Finder, select "Applications" and locate "Parallels Desktop".
Step 3: Right-click the icon and move it to the trash.
Right-click on the icon and move it to the trash.
Step 4: Find and delete Parallels-related files
Find and delete Parallels-related files in the following folders
- ~/Library
- ~/Library/Application Support
- ~/Library/Application Scripts
- ~/Library/Caches
- ~/Library/Cookies
- ~/Library/Preferences
- ~/Library/Saved Application State
- ~/Library/Containers
- ~/Library/Group Containers
- ~/Library/Application Support/CrashReporter
- ~/Library/WebKit
- /Library
- /Library/Preferences
- /Users/Shared
- /private/var/db
- /private/var
How to uninstall automatically
Step 1:CleanMyMacDownload and install the software on your Mac
CleanMyMacfree download and install on your Mac.
Step 2: Launch CleanMyMac and click on the "Uninstall" tab.
Start CleanMyMac and click on the "Uninstall" tab.
Step 3: Click on the application you want to delete (Paralles Desktop)
Among all applications, find Parallels Desktop and check the box.
Step 4: Click the "Delete" button
With the apps you want to delete checked, click the [Delete] button at the bottom center to completely remove Parallels Desktop from your Mac.
↓arrow (mark or symbol) Click here for the official Parallels website
*Free trial is also available here.
This article explains how to uninstall Parallels Desktop.
Parallelsschool (e.g. of ikebana)Completely free trial versionis available for a risk-free trial. Parallels also offers discount campaigns from time to time.For the latest discount information on Parallels, please visit the official website atPlease check it out from the following page.
↓arrow (mark or symbol) Click here for the official Parallels website
*Free trial is also available here.