*This article contains some promotional material.
How to use Parallels Access [Accessing Windows from iPhone].
In this article.Parallels Accessusing theThis section explains how to use Windows on the iPhone.
Parallelsschool (e.g. of ikebana)Completely free trial versionis available for a risk-free trial. Parallels also offers discount campaigns from time to time.For the latest discount information on Parallels, please visit the official website atPlease check it out from the following page.
↓arrow (mark or symbol) Click here for the official Parallels website
*Free trial is also available here.
Parallels Access.How to use Windows on iPhone
Download the Parallels application on your iPhone
First, access the App Store on your iPhone and download the Parallels application.
Sign in to the Parallels application
Click [Start
[Click "Start.
[Click "Start" and select "Sign In
Enter your account and log in.
If you do not have a Parallels related account, please click [Register].
When you log in, you will see a screen that says [Email Sent!] screen will appear.
Once logged in, you will see a screen that says [Email Sent!]. will appear on the screen; move on to work on your Mac and receive the email from Parallels using your Mac mailer.
Receiving mail from Parallels on a Mac mailer
Click on [for Mac].
[Click on "for Mac" and you will seeDownload the application for Mac.
Run the downloaded file
Run the downloaded file to start the installation.
Installation is the same as for regular Mac applications.
Sign in with the account you just entered on your iPhone.
After completing the installation of Parallels Acsess, sign in with the account you just entered on your iPhone.
Here, looking at the iPhone, it appears to be connected.
Mac models are also shown.
If you see it on your Mac and it looks like this, the connection was successful.
With this, theThe iPhone has become a desktop unlike any other I've seen.
↓arrow (mark or symbol) Click here for the official Parallels website
*Free trial is also available here.
In this article.Parallels Accessusing theThis section explains how to use Windows on the iPhone.
Parallelsschool (e.g. of ikebana)Completely free trial versionis available for a risk-free trial. Parallels also offers discount campaigns from time to time.For the latest discount information on Parallels, please visit the official website atPlease check it out from the following page.
↓arrow (mark or symbol) Click here for the official Parallels website
*Free trial is also available here.